CreAct - The limits of the Artist Book
CreAct - The limits of the artist book
Huis van het Boek, The Hague, 14 October - 11 December.
Kunstruimte de Melkfabriek, 's Hertogenbosch, 24 November - 4 December
(Former)students of six Art Schools show their ideas, experiments and designs, after an OPEN CALL of Grafein Foundation.
CREACT came into being after the Harry van Kruiningen Grafein Foundation approached Grafein for a project. Harry van Kruiningen (1906-1996) was at the time an innovative graphic designer and an artist with several identities: "innovator, initiator, activist and creator".
For the open call, Grafein used these identities, the graphic printing processes and the artist's book as a starting point.
Graphic art has a long tradition both in the visual arts and in design and offers opportunities to multiply ideas. The artist's book is an extension of this.
You will meet on
30 november: Jeroen Lente
1 december: Olivier Otten
2 december: Olivier Otten
3 december: Jeroen van Lente
Last day, 4 december:
Hans Laban, Maria Kapteijns, Joyce Gabeler, Maja Anna Chris, Cisca Poldervaart and participants during the finissage from 4-5 PM.
The video gives a very short impression of the exhibition, as seen from the installation of Britt.