1 September - 30 November 2022
“When two people meet, each one is changed by the other so you’ve got two new people”
John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent, 1961
The national graphic art and printmaking triennial Grafiek2022 will take place in the autumn of 2022 in The Netherlands. Museums, galleries, printmaking studios, art centers, and artists will organize various projects and activities related to graphic art - exhibitions, lectures, demonstrations, and workshops. These three months will be dedicated to printmaking as an art form and show the wide scope of expressions and enormous variation in graphic art: from traditional printing techniques to contemporary crossovers, mixed media combined with other techniques, as well as the invention of new printing methods.
The theme for Grafiek2022 serves as inspiration and can be interpreted broadly. The Dutch word ‘Ontmoeten’ evokes associations with coming together, being together, working together, connecting, meeting, greeting, moving towards each other, or being involved. It can express the relationship with nature, other cultures, or other art forms. It can represent one-on-one encounters between artists, but also encounters and relationships across time and space. A meeting also brings pleasure, curiosity, and enrichment, especially after the period of lock-downs.
The Grafein Foundation is the initiator and facilitator, whereas the participants organize their own event and look for a location themselves. Grafein offers a joint platform and has a supporting function. The foundation coordinates the national PR campaign and provides a website and an agenda/brochure in which all events are listed.
Grafiek2022 is the fourth edition of a series of graphic art triennials. This manifestation will offer a range of inspiring encounters between people, cultures, and techniques, with graphic art as the common thread.
Contact persons: Maria Kapteijns, Cisca Poldervaart, Maja Anna Chris, Hans Laban, Joyce Gabeler
You can also download the A4 information sheet here.