Het draait om grafiek

[our motto is not easy to translate into English, so we don’t translate it (yet)]

Grafein initiates, facilitates and participates in printmaking projects in and beyond The Netherlands. The foundation serves to promote this important  contemporary art form, which has its own visual language and history, to professionals as well as the general public. This includes artists, institutions and print-art collectors. Its network of friends and advisors provides Grafein with unique expertise and contacts to advocate the printmaking arts.

Grafein is an independent cultural Public Benefit Organisation (PBO – in dutch: ANBI).

On the webpage IPMAP 2024 you can read all about the Open Call for the new International Print Mail Art Project 2024 titled “the future of our planet”.

If you click on the image you can see a preview of the catalogue.

On the webpage in Dutch about the Symposium ( March 11, 2023) you can see two videos about the Printmanifestation Grafiek2022 and one video in Dutch about museum ‘t oude Slot in Veldhoven. We hope you like what you see.


To pursue its goals Grafein needs more than project grants alone. In addition Grafein also needs friends who wish to support us financially and friends who support us practically, with all kinds of smaller or bigger tasks .
In return, we support these friends in their printmaking activities and ideas.

Grafein established four categories of Friends, collectively supporting printmaking in The Netherlands as well as beyond its borders.

Stay up to date

Follow us via the Newsletter, Facebook and Instagram.

Here you can read the latest Newsletter in Dutch.
And the first English Newsletter.

If you would like to receive the GrafeinGraphicsNewsletter in English (probably once a year)  automatically, you can sign up at the bottom of this page.

Grafein has a public Facebook group where members can share print-related posts and a Facebook page for Grafein.

Grafein is a not-for-profit foundation which initiates, organises and/or participates in projects on printmaking independently and/or in cooperation with partners in a joint effort.