Graphic Transformations (English)
The project “Graphic Transformations /Digital and Hybrid Graphic techniques/” was launched in 2018 and it encompasses the field of graphics and artist’s books.
A series of exhibitions within the forum explore the latest trends in contemporary graphic art, including the use of digital technologies, and simultaneously corelate the results of the learning process with the creative practice of professors, students and PhD students from Sofia University, the National Academy of Art, as well as from leading higher art schools in Canada, Poland, and Croatia.
The current third edition of the project presents Dutch graphic and art books through the curatorial selection carried out by Snezhina Biserova and Maria Kapteijns. The financial support of the Scientific Researches Funds of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the Grafein Foundation, the Netherlands, makes it possible to publish this catalogue which includes 9 Dutch and 17 Bulgarian artists from different generations – from established professionals in their field to very young, bright artists many of whom have developed under the former’s academic supervision and have subsequently gained the position of professors themselves.
Due to covid-19 the exhibition has been postponed until further notice. Fortunately you can browse through the online publication Graphic Transformations, Prints and Artist’s Books from Bulgaria and the Netherlands if you click on the hyperlink.
Graphic Transformations (Nederlands)
Grafein is in 2019 gevraagd een selectie van Nederlandse grafiek samen te stellen voor deelname aan de tentoonstelling Graphic Transformations in de Alma Mater galerie van de universiteit van Sofia.
We sluiten daarbij aan bij het gelijknamige project Graphic Transformations, dat al enkele jaren loopt, waarin het gebruik en de rol van de computer in hedendaagse grafiek centraal staat. Elk jaar wordt hiervoor een ander land uitgenodigd en voor 2020 was dat Nederland. Snezhina Biserova, graficus en docent aan de universiteit is de curator.
Door corona is de expositie een jaar uitgesteld en is voor 2020 gekozen voor een publicatie in boekvorm en online. Deze online publicatie Graphic Transformations, Prints and Artist’s Books from Bulgaria and the Netherlands is hier te zien.
Nederlandse deelnemers: Astrid Florentinus, Francine Steegs, Guido de Boer, Inge van den Thillart, Joyce Ennik, Maria Kapteijns, Peter Kalkowsky, Rogier Arents, Rutger Paulusse.
De Bulgaarse deelnemers: Alexandra Dimitrova, Alexandra Mladenova, Anna Tzolovska, Bouyan Filchev, Violeta Apostolova, Desislava Hristova, Dora Ivanova, Kalina Milanova, Krasimira Drenska, Laura Dimitrova, Maria Tselkinska, Nevena Nenova, Nikoleta Ivanova-Stoimirova, Regina Dalkalacheva, Snezhina Biserova, Sofia Popyordanova, Tseva Petrova.
Op de website van de universiteit van Sofia kun je hier meer over lezen in het Bulgaars en gedeeltelijk in het Engels.